Friday Links Roundup: November 7, 2014


Bored to tears at your cube? Put down that fifth cup of joe. We’ve rounded up the week’s best links to get you through the rest of the day ’til that sweet, weekend freedom finally arrives.


Ever wondered why it’s always 9:41 on the iPhone? Here’s why []

50 things to tweet when you’re stuck for ideas []

Did that “I’m A Voter” app actually make a difference on Tuesday? []

Uh huh, sure. Why BuzzFeed really doesn’t use clickbait []

It’s that season! Get your ugly Caps and RG3 sweaters right here []

Smart or silly? Taylor Swift pulls her songs from Spotify []

The first selfie ever was taken in 1893. Can we stop calling Millennials narcissistic now? []

Your beard and ‘stache are killing the shaving industry []

 Who Won the Internet This Week: #AlexfromTarget for becoming an instant celebrity for bagging groceries []

Who Failed at the Internet This Week: Breakr for saying #AlexfromTarget was their orchestrated marketing hoax, which also turned out to be a hoax []


Found a link you think we should feature here? Email it to us at or tweet it to us .

Just how did those Republicans win the midterms this past Tuesday? Find out at our on 11/22. See you then!

Author: Karmen Fox

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