Join Digital District for Tweet-Tober Trivia Night

Do you know the velocity of an unladen swallow? Or, do you know the answer to the ultimate question of Life, the Universe, and everything?

Okay so, maybe you don’t need to know the answers for those questions. But if you’re digitally savvy and know the answers to random digital trivia, then join Digital District for Tweet-Tober Trivia night.

Since our summer trivia was such a huge success, we decided to bring it back on October 29th. Join us at 6pm at Diego (you can find the address in the invite below) with 3 of your best digital friends for some team-on-team trivia action. We’ll have several rounds of questions that will cover social media, advertising, design, or maybe even some random Halloween topics.

What do you get if you win? The winning team gets crowned the Kings and Queens of Digital Smarts and of course will have these bragging rights FOR-EV-ER (or at least until the next trivia night).


You ready to sign up and form your team? You can register for trivia night here: 

Also, because we’re so close to Halloween, feel free to dress up in your costume. You may be the only one that actually dresses up, but we promise we won’t judge you too much for being festive.

Author: Liz Glomb

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