Membership Monday: Matthew Shalbrack


Spotlight: Matthew Shalbrack

Twitter Handle:

Occupation: Content Marketing Specialist

Hobbies/Passions: baseball, writing, photography, beer tasting among others but those are at the top of my list

How did you hear about us?: Digital District was brought to my attention by awesome people who were already apart of the organization.

Why did you join DD?: I had just moved to DC and I wanted to get into the digital scene. Plus, it’s not a bad way to spend your Wednesdays nerding out with the DD crowd either.

What do you want out of your DD membership?: Learn more about using social media as a way to mass communicate.

Who is your favorite person to follow on social media? Why?:​ I don’t just have one favorite person, I have a lot. I love following anyone who talks baseball and has an interesting personality for example. If you want to get on my level, follow Craig Goldstein () – writer for Baseball Prospectus because he’s hilarious. I really enjoy his baseball writing and check out Gabe Kapler () because he’s a former major leaguer who has great insight into the game and he has an awesome blog that is all about self-health and well-being.

Author: Kendal Ann Miller

Kendal Ann, Director of Membership at Digital District. She's a full-time PAC-er, part-time whiskey advocate and an all around Wisconsinite. Don't be shy, give her a shout on Twitter

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