Membership Monday: Walter Carlton

Spotlight: Walter Carlton

Social Media:  which I am more responsible for and which is more of my private passion)

Occupation: Graphic Designer and Principal (co-owner) of Spark Design –

Hobbies/Passions:  Travel, photography, independent music, craft beer, soccer

How did you hear about us?: The Indiegogo campaign

Why did you want to join DD? I thought it would be a good way to connect with professionals working with social media and other new developments in the web & app space, keep up with what is going on and find potential partners who have skill sets that compliment my company’s focus on design.

What do you want out of your DD membership? Opportunities to learn and get to know other professionals working in digital.

Who is your favorite person to follow on social media? Anyone who can delight and amaze me with their phone photography skills on Instagram.

Author: Kendal

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