Membership Monday: Tyler Gray
Spotlight: Tyler Gray
Twitter Handle:
Occupation: Principal, Gray Street Solutions, (Internet Serious Business :)
Hobbies/Passions: Adventure races (Tough Mudders / Spartans). Discovering innovative mixed drinks and good food at reaonabl-ish prices. Summer concerts!
How did you hear about us?: I had the privilege of serving as VP Finance for SMCDC. I learned a lot about the industry, the DC Tech scene, as well as my own strengths and weaknesses.
Why did you join DD?: Expertly managed events with interesting topics that draw diverse crowds. It’s also an incredible value for the money- Compared to other events in town, DD provides way more bang for the buck thanks to the leadership’s focus on low-overhead and user experience over profit.
What do you want out of your DD membership?: DD was especially accommodating for my firm’s one year anniversary part (DD summer HH), which was awesome! Continuing to meeting new people with diverse backgrounds and experiences.
Who is your favorite person to follow on social media? Why?: – He/she has built quite a following with extremely witty social / political commentary while maintaining anonymity.