Membership Monday: Vik Reddy

Spotlight: Vikash “Vik” Reddy


Twitter Handle: IO7_d0bn

Occupation: Systems Business Analyst at AARP (starts August 18)

Hobbies/Passions: Sports, Movies, Reading, Trying/Exploring New Things

How did you hear about us?: Twitter. Was already connected to other members of DD who were talking about DD one day. Click DD’s Twitter and learned more about the organization.

Why did you join DD? : The organization was exactly what I was looking for after I moved down to DC from Jersey. Gave me the opportunity to network and meet people in the digital community of Washington DC.

What do you want out of your DD membership?: Continuous networking opportunities. Social events. Learning new things.

Who is your favorite person to follow on social media? Why?: News website Mashable. (). Stays currents on newest social trends/news through all fields.

Author: Kendal

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